About Us

The First Note
We enjoy teaching in a relaxed and fun environment.
In addition to your lessons, we have free professional concerts throughout the year.
Parties for holidays and our famous "Ham and Chicken" parties will give you an opportunity to get together to share music, food, and fun.
We offer workshops on a variety of topics throughout the year.
Let us customize a private group lesson and party to help you celebrate a special occasion for your group.
All private instruction is $20 per half hour.
Kathy's You Can Play Music Club:
Adult Beginner Classes $39.95 for 6 one-hour classes.
After completing the series of four 6-week sessions, you will continue your learning for only $25/month.
Children’s group classes
8-12 year- olds $12 per hour paid monthly.
Adult Workshops are a nominal fee
Parties and Concerts are FREE.
Founder’s Notes
Kathy Schwartz, the owner, has been in the music business for over 30 years. The Baldwin Piano and Organ Company brought her to Cincinnati to develop and manage one of their retail stores and to introduce an adult teaching program. After Baldwin sold the retail division she stayed on in Cincinnati and opened Kathy’s Happy Organs & Pianos.

Kathy Schwartz
Lowrey, Roland and other home organs.
Lowrey and Samick digital pianos. Casio keyboards.
Always a selection of excellent pre-owned organs & pianos.
FINANCING & Layaway for all instruments
We take trades on most instruments and guarantee one-year 100% in trade for instruments purchased from Kathy’s Happy Organs & Pianos.
Looking to the Future
Supporting Organists for the
Next Generation
Kathy’s Happy Organs and Pianos
launched a program to provide free organs to young music students taking organ lessons. This not only encourages young musicians, but aims to assure there will be church organists into the future.
There are many programs to help young people learn guitar and piano, as well as band and orchestra instruments, and the children benefit intellectually and socially by playing music. At the same time, however, churches throughout the tri-state are constantly in search of organists.
To help meet this challenge, Kathy’s Happy Organs and Pianos will allow young organ students—aged 6-18—the use of an electronic organ in their home while they are taking organ lessons.
A church affiliation is not required and students may take lessons from any qualified organ instructor within the area. They must present a signed letter from a qualified teacher stating that the child is taking organ lessons. These organs are not for sale, they are on loan to the student as long as the student continues lessons.
Contact Kathy to inquire about this exclusive program. 513-245-2295